Folkestone Book Festival Programme 2019: The Shape of Things to Come
The Folkestone Book Festival: The Shape of Things to Come brochure has landed!
The Folkestone Book Festival: The Shape of Things to Come brochure has landed!
It is important that all Councillors follow the rules regarding declaring their Pecuniary Interests for the councils they sit on.
In connection with the Museum's exhibition 'Eurotunnel 25 years' which opens on Saturday 14 September, the Friends of Folkestone Museum are putting on a series of talks around the topic of the Channel Tunnel.
Dear Susan,
FREE training for community and voluntary groups!
The Lower Leas Park is one of the gems of Folkestone - stretching from Radnor Cliff in Sandgate to the Leas Lift in Folkestone, the park is multi-award winning, well loved by locals and visitors alike and a great place to spend time.
Folkestone and Hythe District Councillors have up to £3,000 per Councillor they can agree as ward grants during the course of a year.
Folkestone and Hythe District Council passed a motion declaring a Climate Emergency on Wednesday night. The motion was moved by the Green Party, with support from the Lib Dems and Labour. As ever. to win the debate, we'd need to persuade a member of the administration or two to back us, but we started full of hope...
I've seen, and had reported, a few examples recently of bin emptying where the bin bags are left by waste bins for subsequent collection, which are then attacked and ripped open (by seagulls, mainly). Thanks for the reports (you know who you are!).
I love this party.
It takes a special kind of malicious idiot to vandalise a bench in a park. It stops other people using it, could see someone get hurt, and of course leads to a repair that will cost them, their neighbours, family and friends and everyone else tax money to repair it.