Broken business rates system should be abolished
The Chancellor is today expected to use his Budget to announce business rates relief. While Liberal Democrats welcome any relief, hand-to-mouth support for businesses simply isn't sustainable.
The Chancellor is today expected to use his Budget to announce business rates relief. While Liberal Democrats welcome any relief, hand-to-mouth support for businesses simply isn't sustainable.
Would you like to win a £2,000 holiday voucher, in time from Christmas?! That's just one of 30 prizes in this years Lib Dem Christmas Draw - tickets on sale NOW!
Poverty is about how a society allocates what resources it has. We are born into a society to which we contribute as we can, with the expectation that what we do will benefit said society. In return we expect the society we are a member of to support us and our families when we need it. This is a simple contract.
Kent Trading Standards have received reports of criminals phoning residents claiming there is an issue with the drains outside their property and they say the drainage company will fix it for free.
So why did I march? I hate crowds and noise, but I felt that it would be one of the most important marches in history. It promised to be big and it was - some 670,000 people marched peacefully with some amazing banners. One of my friends and her banner made it to the Guardian - a picture of a man shooting himself in the foot, a foot with a Union Flag sock.
I passed my driving test in 2015, having steadfastly refused to learn for many years, despite commuting to Canterbury for ten years from 2002. There were several reasons I chose to learn, even though it would increase my carbon footprint at the worst possible time and might cost more some months than getting the bus.
Anyone who takes a walk around our streets will tell you that low level anti-social behaviour, such as littering, graffiti and dog fouling is rife. Our hard-working Police and Councils do seek to tackle such things, but they simply lack the resources to employ the people needed to make a meaningful difference. Couple that with their tendency to focus resources on areas that generate revenue for the town, and some areas are left looking ill-used at best.
Why have the Liberal Democrats, and their Liberal and SDP predecessors, always supported the European project and membership of the EU?
At the core of Liberalism is the belief that individuals should be as free as possible insofar as they don't cause significant harm to other people, and that Governments should only intervene to protect individual freedom and prevent significant harm to others. This raises various questions where vaccinations are concerned.
Sandgate Parish Council was advised yesterday (4th September) that the vendor of this site had sold the property to another buyer at a significantly higher price and was therefore withdrawing from the sale to the Parish Council. This is despite written commitments to cease marketing the site after the sale to the Parish Council had been confirmed.
Chichester Hall Works Update - September 2018
In a 2017 study, the gambling commission found that 12% of 11-16 year olds gambled in the past week. This represented a drop of 25% on 2016 when the same survey found 16% had gambled. Of those young people, 24% first gambled using fruit machines, 21% using National Lottery scratchcards and 11% placed private bets with friends. The main source of gambling activity in young people is therefore unlikely to be online gaming, and gambling activity seems to be dropping overall.