Government Cuts to Flood Defences a Threat to Shepway
Shepway Liberal Democrats have welcomed the launch of a national Lib Dem campaign against Defra's flood defence cuts, ahead of the launch of the Environment Agency's Flood Warning Campaign.
Shepway Liberal Democrats have welcomed the launch of a national Lib Dem campaign against Defra's flood defence cuts, ahead of the launch of the Environment Agency's Flood Warning Campaign.
All Liberal Democrat members are welcome to attend the Party's two "Federal" (UK wide) conferences each year. In 2007, Federal Conferences are held on 2-4 March in Harrogate and 16-20 September in Brighton.
Shepway Council has rejected a planning application in Valebrook Close, Cheriton. Planning permission had been sought for the erection of two detached dwelling houses with integral garages on a site adjacent to 65 Valebook Close.
"An Inconvenient Truth" is the surprise film smash of the year - a film about climate change and our environment by Al Gore that has got people across the world looking at how they can do more to safeguard our future environment! Released on DVD on 21 November, you can pre-order you copy today from the Shepway Shop at
Kent County Council have published proposals to introduce a number of additional on-street parking facilities across Shepway, and to revoke a few existing spaces. The spaces are for disabled person's vehicles displaying a valid disabled persons badge.
Local Lib Dem campaigner Darren Briddock has taken action to fix pavements in Philip Road Folkestone by requesting that the council attend to the damage caused by a large tree.
The Conservatives were yesterday forced to suspend a Conservative Councillor from the Party after Liberal Democrat campaigns chairman Edward Davey MP wrote to the Commission for Racial Equality, providing details of an offensive email sent from the Councillor's email account.
Simon Carr's column in the Independent today simply sets out why the Government's position that ID Cards are important to control our borders. Shepway Lib Dems continue to campaign against the introduction of ID Cards, with a number of members joining the campaign to renew passports early. Simon Carr said:
Liberal Democrat campaigner Gary Fuller, who recently tackled a Shepway Council officer on the issue of visible policing, expressed his shock at discovering that, according to Kent Police's own figures, over 20% (1 in 5) of all crimes committed in Shepway occur in Harvey Central Ward, which has only one community police officer for over four-and-a-half-thousand people.
Shepway Lib Dems Season Prater and Darren Briddock have been elected to the South East Liberal Democrats Regional Executive. The elections took place at the South East Region Conference in Effingham near Leatherhead in Surrey, and saw Season elected as the Secretary of South East region for 2007, and Darren elected as Regional Treasurer.
According to new research by the Liberal Democrats, Shepway emits 920.2 thousand tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year - 9.4 tonnes per person in the area per year - slightly above the UK average of 9.3 tonnes per person.
Kent County Council's Trading Standards Service will shortly be launching the 'Buy with Confidence' good trader scheme to traders who wish to join.