Bring it On
Well, as New Years go, there have been better.
Well, as New Years go, there have been better.
The producers of the Oscar nominated movie 'Days of Glory' have invited Lib Dem campaigner Peter Carroll and other members of the Gurkha justice campaign to a special preview of the film. The film details the injustices that Arab soldiers suffered in the French Army even though many thousands of them fought and died for France in the Second World War. The producers believe there are strong parallels in the film to the plight of the many thousands of Gurkha veterans who fought and died for Britain over many decades.
A dangerously potholed access lane off Shaftesbury Avenue in Cheriton will be repaired by Shepway Council housing department in the next month. The housing department called Councillor Tim Prater with the good news on Monday, after correspondence with Councillor Prater and local residents, including a piece in the Folkestone Herald newspaper highlighting the issue.
The sale of Shepway Council land in Weymouth Road, Cheriton next to the Bowls Club has been delayed after massive local opposition. The Council are proposing to sell the land - currently a green space and part of Cheriton Rec - for a housing development of up to 6 houses.
One of the many benefits of being part of a half Chinese household, apart from the excellent food, is that you get to celebrate New Year twice a year! So, I begin this month by wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai (congratulations and be prosperous). Chinese New Year (which is also called Spring Festival) will be on the 18th February and it is going to be the Year of the Boar (Pig).
I don't do film reviews very often, so I'll keep this one short. Having watched "An Inconvenient Truth" a couple of weeks ago, you have simply got to see it. if you haven't seen it, buy the DVD (from the Shepway Lib Dem shop is ideal, and makes us a few pence), from your nearest shop, borrow a copy. Whatever - watch this film.
Have you got a problem with your landlord?
Harbour ward Councillor Emily Sanger has supported the work of Harbourmart to get the Farmers, Fisherman and Arts Market up and running. The market is now running every Sunday from 10am - 4pm following a successful launch before Christmas.
"No good for the Environment, but a boost for Eurotunnel and the ferries" - that's the verdict of Shepway Lib Dems on the doubling of Air Passenger Duty (APD) which took effect on 1 February.
Toby Philpott, Shepway Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman, has condemned the Conservative Party over their failure to support a Liberal Democrat amendment in the House of Lords to the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill which would have delayed the abolition of Postwatch - the independent consumer body which represents the interests of local Post Office users.
A well-known Folkestone trouble spot between Cheriton High Street and Broomfield Road Car Park should soon be closed after action from the Morehall Lib Dem team.
Work has started to end the lorry parking problem in Cheriton High Street in Folkestone after years of campaigning from local residents and Lib Dems. The works should stop lorry parking in the slip road, which disturbed residents in Samian Crescent, Tiber Close and Roman Way.