Gauke's premium rate climbdown cold comfort
Following an announcement by Stephen Gauke that the Universal Credit hotline will be made free, Liberal Democrat work and pensions spokesperson Stephen Lloyd said:
Following an announcement by Stephen Gauke that the Universal Credit hotline will be made free, Liberal Democrat work and pensions spokesperson Stephen Lloyd said:
Live local to Sandgate? Looking for a paid Saturday job?
I'm *really* pleased about this - after years of lobbying and almost getting there, at the end of October Kent Highways will be installing a new zebra crossing on Sandgate Esplanade just about at the foot of Brewers Hill! Kent's notice of the roadworks is as follows:
Further details have been released for the South East Region 2017 AGM and Annual Conference which will take place on Sat 11 Nov 2017 10:00 am - 4:30 pm at Reigate School, Pendleton Road.
Kent County Council has advised that Horn Street, will be closed to through traffic, from Monday 23 October 2017 for up to 5 days, between the hours of 09:00 hours and 16:30 hours each day. The road will be closed in phases between the junctions of Church Road and A259 Seabrook Road.
Please accept this email as an objection to the Hybrid planning application Y17/1042/SH for Princes Parade.
Kent Trading Standards are warning residents about criminals pretending to be Trading Standards officers to defraud vulnerable victims out of hundreds of thousands of pounds.
An extraordinary meeting of Sandgate Parish Council that has been called to discuss the Prince's Parade planning application (Y17/1042/SH).
The Princes Parade Planning Application, ref Y17/1042/SH, has now been submitted and validated by Shepway DC (who are also the applicant!). It can be found on the council's website via this link:
It was great to be at the very first Folkestone Pride event on Saturday 19th August - thank you to the many people that came and had a chat with us!
Residents have until 08 Oct 2017 to comment on the KCC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. The strategy covers the management of local flood risks in the county between 2017 and 2023.
Residents have until 17 Sep 2017 to comment on the KCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan. The plan covers how rights of way are used in Kent and any changes that are required in the next 10 years to meet the needs of residents and people visiting Kent. KCC have hired a market research agency called Lake Market Research to carry out the consultation and process responses.