Plane Crazy: the trailer
A trailer for an investigative documentary focussing on the proposed expansion of Lydd airport (LAA) has been released by Substantial Films, and you can view it online here.
A trailer for an investigative documentary focussing on the proposed expansion of Lydd airport (LAA) has been released by Substantial Films, and you can view it online here.
At the start of 2012, Kent brought its birth and death registration service together into the Library service. Registrations of births and deaths are now handled through Libraries and Gateways by multi-skilled staff. In every venue, a dedicated area for registration is set aside (you will not be asked to register in a public area, but in a separate room or (decreasingly) a screened-off area.
The Royal British Legion was formed some 91 years ago. The Sandgate branch was formed 75 years ago and is one of the oldest branches in the country.
On Tuesday 17th April, I spoke at Shepway Council's Development Control Committee on behalf of Sandgate Parish Council against a proposed new development at 15 Radnor Cliff, Sandgate. I'm delighted to say that the Development Control Committee listened to me and the other speakers against the development (local resident Joanna Ames and District Councillor Robert Bliss) and voted against the development by 11 votes to 2.
Lilla, the Countess of Chichester, died on 7 December 1911 at the age of 74 at Enbrook in Sandgate. Her support and generosity to the village prompted the residents to raise the necessary money to have the Chichester Hall built to celebrate her life and act as a lasting memorial.
This Saturday 7th April 2012 at The Chichester Memorial Hall, Sandgate
Since the March Parish Council Meeting there has been 9 Neighbourhood related calls in the ward. 2 calls relating to nuisance youths at Freemantle Road and Turner Court both in Enbrook Valley. There has been 1 noise call and 2 suspicious vehicles seen in Ross Way. During the same time there have been 2 reported burglaries, 3 incidents of criminal damage, 1 incident of theft of pedal cycles and 1 incident of theft from a motor vehicle.
With over 3,500 applications made so far to local authorities alone for street parties to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, this year looks set to be a bumper year for celebrations. To help party organisers ensure that events run smoothly, whether on public or private land or in your own home, the Association of British Insurers has produced a guide.
Kent Trading Standards is advising consumers of the recall of two batches of Morrison Supermarkets own brand cooked turkey breast due to incorrect date coding. The wrong use by date has been applied and eating the products could be a risk to health.
At a Shepway Council meeting last night, Council leader Robert Bliss announced that Shepway Council had bowed to public pressure and that pay and display parking would not be introduced in high streets in New Romney, Hythe and Sandgate, and Sandgate Road and Tontine Street in Folkestone.
Sandgate Business "The Sewing Space" are running a series of Bunting Days on Saturdays through April and May for local people and businesses to come and make bunting together for the summer!
Kent County Council have published a schedule of all programmed grass cutting / weed management services effective from 1 April 2012. The schedule gives a County wide specification and a district-by-district landscape operations schedule.